Our Privacy Policy

Our site www.hegyko-apartman.hu runs by Hegyko-apartman.

On the site the whole text and pictures in property of Hegyko-apartman except the logo of Hegyko city.
Copy the text from our site is not allowed aswell as pictures and logos.

Webtárhely provider: Arubacloud BlazeArts Kft. 6090 Kunszentmiklós, Damjanich J. u. 36. 1/8.
Webtárhely provider’ site: https://www.forpsi.hu/
Webtárhely provider’s e-mail címe: admin@forpsi.hu
Webtárhely provider’s tel.: HU: (+36) 76 550 174

We treat the data treated on the site as confidential by law, and will not be disclosed to third parties.

By using this site, you agree to the terms and conditions and agree to manage your data statistically.

We are using cookies. For more information read the cookie section.

If you have any questions please contact us!

Last update: 2018.11.25.